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The Way of the Wise Woman
8-week Introductory Series

You are sacred just because you exist.

A divine wise woman capable of co-creating

the life you've always desired.

The Way of the Wise Woman teaches you how. 

8 Tuesdays, Starts April 8, via zoom, 6pm - 7:30 pm EST

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Having a 24/7 on-call spiritual guide who knows who you are,
why you're here, and what will bring you the greatest joy. 

Confidently trusting in your next step because
fear, doubt, and frustration are a thing of the past.

Being grounded and centered, and shining your light
even with all the chaos and uncertainty in life.
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The journey home to your sacred self starts with you meeting Her
and welcoming Her to a sacred place within you
– a holy altar –where She is most at home. It could be your heart,
solar plexus, or perhaps your womb.
You will know.

IN THIS 8-WEEK online series, YOU WILL...

  • Experience a life-changing guided meditation where you will meet your Wise Woman Within, the beginning of a relationship unlike any in your life.

  • Reveal that sacred place within you where She is most at home. 

  • Discover how to let Her take the lead even when your logical mind tries to steer you in another direction.

  • Identify your next holy YES step(s) based on the guidance you received from Her.

  • Understand without a doubt Her unique way of communicating with you.

  • Learn the 6 steps to trusting your intuitive connection to Her and acting on the guidance you receive from Her.

  • Create a daily ritual to help maintain vibrant and strong communication with Her.

  • Learn an easy Qigong Flow to help you embody your unfolding transformation as you begin to merge with your Wise Woman Within.

  • Experience profound self-trust and the joy of coming home to your Sacred Self.

  • See your outer life change in magical ways.

The Way of the Wise Woman Intro series is held in a safe,

sacred small group setting via Zoom.

Each class is recorded, and all the recordings are yours to keep. 


A private Telegram chat will be set up so you can receive

coaching and support in between the sessions.​

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Your Wise Woman Within is the
divine feminine embodiment of your Soul.
She is YOU vibrating at a different frequency.

Wiser than any spiritual teacher, healer, or ascended master, She knows who you are, why you're here and what will bring you the greatest joy. She's been waiting lifetimes to merge with you. The times are now ripe.

This 8-week introductory program offers:

  • A profound remembering of the truth of who you are: a divine Wise Woman capable of co-creating the life you desire.

  • ​Clarity on your next steps whether in business or life.

  • A proven pathway to hone your intuition–your main way of communicating with Her.

  • A unique form of qigong designed to help you embody your unfolding transformation as you merge with your Wise Woman Within.

  • Deep understanding of what it means to let Her take the lead, ideally all the time

Letting Her take the lead

means more than you following that hunch or knowing who's calling when the phone rings. Those are all great signs that your intuition is humming along just fine.


It's even more than having one of those delicious experiences when everything feels effortless, easy, and filled with grace–sure signs that the divine feminine is flowing within you.


It is the complete embodiment of the divine feminine nature of your Soul.

It's the realization that by the very nature of being human, you are also divine. Sacred just because you exist.

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  • No longer second-guessing yourself because you've let your Wise Woman Within take the lead!


  • Having crystal clarity about where to go next in your life.


  • ​​Your creative energy overflowing because your intuitive channel is now fully open.


  • No longer working yourself to the bone because your personal boundaries are clear and intact.


  • Being able to freely and confidently express yourself because you know–without a doubt–who you are, why you're here, and what brings you the greatest joy.


  • Your business (if you own one) guided by a continuous stream of wisdom, creativity, and confidence because your Wise Woman Within is now the CEO . . . while your bank account reflects this newfound trust in yourself.


  • Your Spirit soaring because you've chosen ease and flow as your way of life instead of worry and tension. 


  • Your day unfolding exactly as you desire because you're putting yourself first, honoring your unique rhythm.

The Way of the Wise Woman
Intro Series is for you if: 

  • You're a spiritual entrepreneur who knows in your heart you have a profound message to share, especially for these times, yet hold yourself back due to fears of visibility.

  • You find yourself in the unknown, experiencing a major life transition, facing divorce, feeling frustrated with your corporate job, or contemplating retirement and feeling scared about the future. 

  • You're done with the all-consuming "do, do, do mode" that leaves you frustrated and burnt out. 

  • You're tired of the should I do this or should I do that mode that always leaves you second-guessing yourself or even worse, making the decision that keeps you stuck.

  • You've always wondered what it would feel like to let your life be guided by self-trust, ease, and flow. You know it's possible, seen others do it, and want to experience it yourself.

  • You're done with the distorted masculine approach that tells you who you are and what you do is never enough.


There is an easier way,

one more aligned with the truth of who you are. It's called:

The Way of the Wise Woman

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Let go of the struggle and say yes to ease and flow. 


If you're ready to embody what was always yours to begin with,

I warmly welcome you in The Way of the Wise Woman.

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