Is your heart breaking open? For a while it felt like mine was. Especially when seeing old growth forests clear cut or hearing about the death of the last white rhino or seeing human injustices that caused me to shudder. My heart hurt.
The irony was that at the same time I was also becoming more receptive and attuned to the beauty all around me. For example, seeing the fog during my early morning meditation move like a snake through the tree tops across the field. Or hearing the songs of birds that flew thousands of miles just to eat at my feeder.
I literally swept myself into a tizzy by simultaneously experiencing deep awe and profound grief. As these emotional waves of awe and grief washed over me, my heart literally began to ache. It felt like my heart was cracking open. For a brief period, it was beating too fast and it was hard for me to sleep at night. An emotional cocktail of excitement, anxiety, fear, anger, and grief washed over me. Maybe you know this ride too.
If you do, it’s a sure sign you’re an empath, someone who I believe is on the leading edge of what is needed for the human race to evolve into our fullest potential. You are a pioneer, someone who is vulnerable and bold enough to allow yourself to feel. All of it! Well done!
But in order to make sure we don’t dissolve into a pool of emotional slop, it’s imperative we cleanse and clear our energy so our incredibly beautiful lights can shine and help lead the way into the brighter future we know will come.
If you’re looking for an easy way to do this I encourage you to sign up for my class called Qigong for Empaths. Here’s what one person said:
"Thank you so much for offering this course. I so appreciate your energy,
how compassionate and gentle and accepting you are. I love how you help synthesize and connect. I love that even a few minutes or moments using
these techniques helps me shift and return to love."
Registration is open until midnight Monday, Feb. 22.
Class starts Wed., Feb. 24.
If you're unable to attend the live class, no worries.
The class is yours to keep and you can refer back to it whenever you'd like.
Qigong for Empaths How to Clear Your Energy So Your Own Light Shines Bright! A live online course - Starts Wed., Feb. 24 All Welcome! No previous experience necessary! Click here for all the details.
Qigong for Empaths will help you:
Release and clear energy that isn't yours
Strengthen your personal energy field so you're less prone to absorbing other's energy
Understand why your own unique light is the most powerful tool you have to strengthen your energy field
Seal any energy leaks you may have
Anchor in a feeling of calm and strength to carry you through your week
Trust in your own light
Have fun!
Finally, although the heart break I describe above was initially alarming, I eventually realized my energetic heart was undergoing a major expansion in order to experience a more inclusive connection to all life. I began to understand what the Lakota Indians mean when they say Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ, which translates as “all my relations.” It is a prayer that recognizes oneness and harmony with all forms of life including all people, animals, birds, insects, tree, plants, and even rocks, rivers, mountains and valleys. It recognizes that everything is interconnected and requires our utmost respect. So let your heart break open. Just make sure you're supporting it in the best possible way you can!
From the light in my heart to the light in yours,